Web of Fear


Web of Fear

Yetis on the Underground in another recently discovered episode, although it’s not quite complete,at least in this version anyway – it may be complete elsewhere 😉

Episode starts off  where we left off with the discovery of Salamader floating in time and space, while at the same time we are back with a 30yr old Yeti stuck in a museum. All is not well it appears, as the sphere is missing.

Great shot of the TARDIS ‘landing’ in space, timelocking them while the TARDIS gets covered in some strange material.

After seeing the army type people it dawns on me this is the first UNIT and Brigadier set of stories.

Not changed much from the sixties! We see the lifts and interior of Covent Garden underground, great to see them on set. Well, I thought they were on set. Apparently, they had been given a cost for filming on the Underground, but it was decided to build a replica sets. It was so convincing that they ended up being told off for filming on set by London Transport.

Seems the UNIT team are about to blowup the tunnel (I see cliffhanger!), and the Yetis may well save the day.

Nice to see the Professor Travers and Victoria/Jamie meet up again, and he remembers them from 40 years ago.

Whether it was meant to be or not, the yetis breaking though the explosives is rather funny. Men in suits doing a great job. Yetis seem to be slowly blocking off the tunnels with some fungus stuff, getting closer and closer to HQ. When Jamie bumps into it, it seems more foam than anything else, who put too much in the washing machine!

Back to telesnaps and the Brig, or as he is now, Colonel Leftbridge Stewart. Really hope we get to see this in more than telesnaps for his first entrance.

The Welsh armyman and the despicable journalist want to get out, given how the characters are being painted, no doubt they will have a timely end, or at least work in conjunction with the Great Intelligence.

Third episode further explores the someone working in league with the Yetis and kills off a few men.

Well, it’s turned into a full-scale looking invasion when ‘UNIT’ get out onto the streets, Yetis everywhere (3 shown in lots of shots!) After popping up for a few minutes, poor old Charlie Slater (or at least the actor that played him) meets his doom, no Eastenders for him.

Yeti still seem to be following the trackers, but we still don’t know who put them in the people’s pockets. Intriguing.

Virginmedia stored them in the wrong order, nearly saw the final part before part 5

It’s taken until episode 5 for the Great Intelligence and he turns up taking over Prof Travers’ body. The Doctor helps reprogramme one of the sphere’s, nice to know when they got control of a Yeti, it could be controlled by a phrase like, “come on, at the double”

Ahh, the return of the recorder, always useful when they are stuck surrounded by yetis. The Doctor is quite cunning being able to control the Yetis when he needs to, being able to make subtle changes to the technology, while Jamie sets about controlling the voice controlled one. When this fails, it’s quite a comedic effect.

Finally we get to see who’s in control, just when everybody is back together. Great Intelligence still has plans of taking The Doctor’s memories -lets just hope there’s no Dobby Doctor if he goes into the machine.

Just when you think Jamie’s saved the day controlling the one yeti, and freeing them all, The Doctor asks to stay in the machine. As he had crossed the circuits, he could have destroyed the GI forever, now it just means the GI is out there somewhere, someday to return?

A very good episode, great to have it back

Rating: 7/10

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